Careology is proud to join forces with RedArc, the leading provider of long-term support for people facing serious illness, disability, trauma or bereavement.
RedArc’s experienced, registered nurses provide support and expert advice by phone to people via insurers, trade unions, affinity groups and employers, and to date, have supported over 37,000 people across the UK. This new partnership with Careology provides RedArc nurses with the digital tools needed to ensure each person under their care, with a cancer diagnosis, receives the best possible personalised support.
Using leading Bluetooth wearable and connected technology, the Careology platform allows RedArc nurses to quickly view health and wellbeing data, including a patient’s temperature, heart rate, mood, journal entries and activity levels. Access to this information is key to providing consistent and effective practical advice and emotional support to patients remotely.
As the UK weathers another national lockdown and medical staff brace for the peak of Covid-19’s third wave, cancer care and supporting services are once again facing disruption at scale. Keeping people affected by cancer safe during this time is essential, particularly if they are self-managing at home or experiencing delays to treatment. RedArc recognises the vital benefits that digital solutions have in keeping people connected and in control, at a daunting time when many are feeling isolated. Careology enables people to easily log, track and share updates on their health and emotional wellbeing. This information provides RedArc nurses with key insights, enabling them to deliver crucial physical and mental health personal support supplementing the person’s consultant led treatment during this difficult time.
Paul Landau, Founder & CEO of Careology said:
"Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, our reliance on technology has increased immeasurably as we attempt to support and connect with people in a socially distant world. Digital cancer care is crucial to better support people living and dealing with cancer. Our technology aids and enables healthcare professionals involved in the delivery of care, which is why partnerships like this are incredibly important.
Our technology is designed to be simple yet effective for both the patient and the clinical team, offering them accessibility and support when they need it most. Our purpose is to create more up days for everyone living and dealing with cancer. We are so proud to be partnering with RedArc and expanding their range of cancer support services.”
Christine Husbands, Managing Director for RedArc, also commented:
"From earlier detection to working later in life, the number of people in the UK who have cancer in the workplace is set to climb. We understand that everyone experiences cancer differently. Providing very personal long-term practical advice from our team of experienced nurses will always be at the heart of what we do.
We are delighted to partner with Careology bringing together their technology solution alongside our personal nurse support. Ensuring our nurses can offer the right digital tools gives breadth and depth of support, from initial diagnosis through treatment and beyond. This powerful combination will make such a difference to the physical and emotional wellbeing of the people we look after at this vulnerable time in their lives."