More of theUP DAYS Help on the down days

Transforming cancer care with clinically validated solutions for the NHS, private healthcare and insurance providers. Powerful digital tools connect patients with healthcare teams for efficient, effective care.

Trusted by
East of England Cancer Alliances logo
NHS James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust logo
Nuffield Health logo
Aviva logo
NHS logo
NHS Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust logo
The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust logo
Macmillan Cancer Support logo
RedArc logo
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire logo
NHS Airedale logo

The leading digital solution, easing the pressures on cancer care through connectivity.

Quality, value and efficiency

Co-developed with leading oncology teams, Careology transforms traditional cancer care. Those living with cancer feel in control and connected, while clinical stakeholders stay informed with always-on insight, enabling proactive support at the right time, in a cost effective way.

Multiple smart devices showing the Careology platform's features and a man and woman looking at a tablet

Delivering tangible results


ROI from avoided hospital admissions


clinicians reported that Careology helped to inform patient consultations


feel confident about what they should do about their symptoms

Our Solutions

Serving all sides of the healthcare sector

What our users say

Careology helps alleviate patient anxieties between appointments and gives them fundamental peace of mind, supporting them throughout their cancer journey.

Director of Nursing, Lloyds Clinical

Careology has not just supported me, it’s guided me too, it helps me to focus on what I need to do that day, like medication

Patient User

Careology is providing me with hope, the visuals and graphs are so helpful

Patient User

Each morning, the first thing we do is look at Careology Professional.

Professional User, Nuffield Health

The deployment of Careology was a smooth and highly professional implementation that has quickly proved beneficial, connecting our patient and nursing teams.

Chief Strategy Officer, Nuffield Health

We are excited to be working together to build the world’s leading digital cancer care platform"

Consultant, Guy's & St Thomas'

Careology’s story

Designed and built based from first hand experience of dealing with the Up Days and the Down Days of cancer, Careology combines clinical and holistic support with engaging digital tools, to support people living with cancer. By keeping them connected to their healthcare teams, friends and family we enhance the patient experience, and offer significant benefits to healthcare providers and payers.

Two people embracing while looking at the ocean from a sandy beach.